Empowering GP practices through data insightsFaced with an aging population, increasing prevalence of long term conditions and growing healthcare costs, our Primary Care services are under increasing pressure to adapt to ensure a successful and viable healthcare service moving forward.Having up to date meaningful, concise information continually available to front line clinical staff and managers is key to supporting service transformation to cope with these pressures. Apex is simple to use, clearly presented and enables Primary Care services to ensure the alignment of current and future needs of their own population. Population HealthProvides a strategic overview of GP practice populations, giving insight in to an individual practice profile. Providing quick easy access to capitation changes, highlighting changes to your local population and patient demand. Having access to this key data to support local planning and helps practice evaluate changes in population trends and increases in healthcare demands. Including the following data:. Population profile.
QOF achievement scores. Patient recommendation data. Patient life expectancy information. Deprivation score. Geographical population tracker. Improving AccessComparative analysis of planned appointment capacity based on equivalent historical activity, alerting of any potential shortfall.
This forecasting tool provides invaluable insight in to your appointment trends and helps predict and plan for any variance between demand and capacity. Using a four week look ahead facility to inform practices of any surplus or insufficient resource. Analyses peaks and dips in demand and appointment utilisation. Count of appointments per 1000 patients.
Overall number of patients with an upcoming appointment. Average 3rd available slot time. Breakdown by, extended hours, home visits and telephone appointments.
Individual analysis and breakdown by session holder. Improving EfficiencyLooking historically, a practice can view previous demand and activity.
This report provides a detailed breakdown of front line appointment data activity showing the level of attended appointment versus unused appointments. Highlighting how patients consume services and the true nature of appointment trends, displaying details on same day booked appointments against pre-bookable and a detailed analysis of DNA patterns.
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This information is split against individual session holders to inform the profile of patients being seen by different clinicians and the true nature of appointment activity. Total number of appointments offered, providing a trend analysis based on actual historical data. Unused Appointment Data.
Average number of appointments offered per 1000 patients per week. Appointment usage, appointments attended against unused appointment slots. Detailed DNA analysis, showing weekly trends etc.
Workforce PlanningApex provides a clear view on the current workload demands within GP Practices. Providing a clear representation of the types of patient accessing services, their attendance frequency and Healthcare Professional delivering care.To help practices understand the workforce impact across the practice, Apex provides details on practice consultations, referrals, medication and test request rates over time and by requesting practitioner. Giving practices quick easy access to workload and providing an evaluation tool that can help direct local strategy and management. Clear and concise data presented at organisation level and providing a detailed view by individual Healthcare Professional. Consultation data and rates per 1000 patients. Referral data and averages and per 1000 patients.
Medications Issues split between Acute versus Repeat. Test Requests rates, average per week and by 1000 patients. Analysis of workload information by Healthcare Professional.